"Just as Heaven and Hell are real places, Satan, demons, and God’s angels also exist. Therefore, it is time that we recognize these facts and begin to gird ourselves up with the armor and weapons that we receive from the Word of God so that we can effectively fight— and win— the battle of spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10)."
The quote is from Creflo Dollar on Facebook a few days ago. And it is so true. There's more to life than we can see. What we see, is just the result of what we don't see. Feeling "down"? It's not just a feeling, it's the result of influence by evil spirits.
"You're taking it too far," may be your response.
No, I'm not taking it too far, I am just stating a fact. Good and evil, joy and pain, life and death are not "accidents" that just happen. The situation you and I are in today, is the result of how much spiritual influence we've allowed to govern our lives. If we let Jesus in and let Him be our Lord and Savior, we have access to the biggest arsenal of "weapons" there is - spiritual weapons that we need to win the battle of the spiritual warfare we all are in.
If we've just let things happen without using our spiritual authority in Jesus' name, we are an easy prey for our enemy, the devil.
What we see with our natural eyes, is just a small part of the whole picture. "Behind the screen" so to speak, is where the battle is either won or lost.
Get in on the winning team today. Jesus is our victor, and in Him we are victorious.
Join the winning team!
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