fredag 28. januar 2011

Religion or relationship?

Most people have some kind of idea about some kind of a god. And there are just as many "gods" as there are religions. I believe there's something in every man that longs for something or someone to believe in, something bigger than themselves.
My personal definition of religion, is man's craving for something or someone bigger than themselves, obtained by living according to a set of rules or laws that appease that something or someone.
To live according to a spesific religion's rules or laws, can be very hard. You have to perform, and if you don't "your" deity will be angry and punish you.
I will not go into detail about different religions, but if you who read this have a religion that requires you to perform to live up to your god's standards, you know how tiresome it is.
The headline for today's text is Religion or relationship?
There is ONE "religion" that is not a religion, but a relationship. It's name is Christianity.
In Christianity you don't have to perform to appease God, because someone else appeased Him about 2000 years ago; His name is Jesus. Jesus was God's Son, and was sent to die for your and my sins. And through Jesus' shed blood on Calvary, God is appeased. All you and I have to do is believe in Jesus and accept His sacrifice as if it was for me (which it was), and we have a relationship with God in heaven.
Jesus said it this way in the Bible: "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). Jesus is not only God's Son, but He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE for EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES ON HIM.
And when you and I accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we're in a RELATIONSHIP with God, our heavenly Father.
Religion or relationship? I have chosen relationship - relationship with almighty God and His Son Jesus Christ.
I encourage you to do the same!
God bless you!

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