Have you ever faced a situation that seemed impossible? You felt like you couldn't take it any more? Then today's devotion is for you.
I have been in such situations many times. I just wanted to quit, lay down and give up everything; I have even wanted to die.
But fortunately that was never the end of it. I have always come through these situations or periods in my life with God. Never on my own, but with God.
Paul was a man who knew many sorrows and difficulties, and in his letter to the Philippians, chapter 4 and vers 13, he says: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".
"How many things, Paul?"
"All things."
"You mean all the good things?"
"No, I mean all things, both good and bad. I can do all things, meaning, I can come through in victory no matter how dark it may seem or how difficult it may appear. With God everything is possible."
Do you feel that you've reached the end of your tether? You have NOT. God is not over, and you are not over. As long as God lives, there's hope for you, there's victory for you, there's strength to come through every day for you.
Go to Him with your situation today, ask Him to be your guide through the difficulties you experience, and give yourself to Him, and you'll find that you can do all things through Christ, because He stengthens you.
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