mandag 10. januar 2011

More on the thorn

We cannot leave the subject of Paul's thorn in the flesh without a final summary and conclusion. I said earlier that many people consider Paul's thorn to be an illness, which I believe is not true. "Thorns" were used to describe God's enemies causing opposition and difficulties in the old testament, and there's no reason to believe that Paul ment otherwise.
Let's end this subject with a look at Psalm 103. Here David lists eight good things that the Lord bestowes upon His people. My argument is that if God on one hand sends His blessings in the form of these things, and on the other hand tells Paul that the opposite will not be taken away from him, then God is divided, and He is not. He is ONE, He has one opinion, and that is to do good to those who love Him. Example: God says in Psalm 103 that He heals all my diseases. If He heals all my diseases, He will not say to Paul that He wants him to be ill.
Let's look at the eight blessings Psalm 103 promises those who love the Lord;
  1. He forgives all my sins
  2. He heals all my diseases
  3. He redeems my life from destruction
  4. He crowns me with lovingkindness and tender mercies
  5. He satisfies my mouth with good things so that my youth is renewed like the eagle's
  6. He executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed
  7. He makes known His way to me
  8. He gives me mercy and grace in times of need
All these blessings are freely given us by God, and He doesn't withhold any good thing from them that love Him. So we can very confidently say that Paul's thorn was none of these things, and neither are your and my thorn neither of these.
Did you notice that in the above list of blessings from Psalm 103, we don't find persecution and affliction caused by our enemies? Jesus said that those who follow Him will experience persecution and affliction, and Paul says in 2 Cor. 4:17 that these light afflictions is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.
Persecution and affliction caused by our enemies are a natural part of being a Christian. The more we want God to fill us with His glory and His presence, the more we will experience persecution and affliction. But we can trust God to keep us through these things, and make us grow through them.
I consider this my final word on Paul's thorn in the flesh. If you have any comments and/or questions, I will be glad to read them.

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