lørdag 13. november 2010

Problems? Here's the "fixer"!

Have you ever had problems? I guess you have. I certainly have had lots of problems; some were small and everyday irritations and obstacles I had to face and overcome; others were huge, seemingly unsurmountable mountains. However small or big our problems, there is one remedy for all of them. Read on, and I'll tell you!
This morning I woke up early, and the first thing I heard in my spirit was God telling me,
"There's nothing love cannot fix!"

He spoke right into a present situation that, for a long time, have seemed a big problem. And I knew exactly what He meant. If I let go of my own will, my own feelings and emotions, and let HIM fill me with HIMSELF, no problem can stand against me.
Because God is love!  "And we have seen and had faith in the love which God has for us. GOD IS LOVE, and everyone who has love is in God, and God is in him" (1 Joh.4,16). God is love. And He showed us His love by giving us Jesus to die for us so we could have restored fellowship with Him. But how does God's love help me and you fix our problems? How does it help me that God is love? How do I get this love? How does God's love come from Him to me?
The good thing about God is that He is a giver. And if He wants me to have something, He gives it to me freely. So also with love. It says in Romans 5:5 that
"... hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." (My emphasis). God has poured out His Love into my heart. Love is in my heart, and I can freely use this love in my daily walk with God and with everyone I meet. Actually, I decide if I want to live in God's love or not. It's like turning on or off a faucet. Turn on, the water flows; turn off, the water stops flowing!
What does love do in connection with my problems?
1 Cor. 13:4-8 tells us all that love does. I encourage you to read it, preferably in the Amplified Bible. Because of space, I will quote only one verse here, vers 4, "Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or  vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily." (Amp.). Let me ask you a question, that I have asked myself; If you lived like vers 4 says, would you have more or less problems? Or let me ask you the question a bit differently, What causes your problems?
If I were to answer that problem, I would say that most (maybe all) of my problems are caused by my human nature, my will, my emotions and my thoughts. If I let God's love in me be the leading force in my life, would my problems go away? In most cases (maybe all) YES!
So why don't we do it? Because  "... we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.(Ef.6,12). Our battle is actually not against our "enemies", wether they be human or inanimate objects, but our battle is against Satan and his demons.
The good thing is, however, that Jesus won a perfect victory on the cross, and He is the Victor over all demon powers. We just have to partake in the battle by letting God's love rule in our hearts. That's where our victory lies, that's where our problems diminish and we are free!

Remember this today: There's nothing love cannot fix!

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