tirsdag 16. november 2010

Let peace be the umpire!

Have you ever wondered where to turn, what direction to take in life, or simply what to make for dinner?
I have. I have faced situations that seemed impossible, I didn't know where to turn or what decision to make. Some decisions, like choosing what to make for dinner, are fairly easy to make, and they don't carry too many consequences. Other dicisions, on the other hand, are vitally important; the decision we make at a certain point, might mean life or death for ourselves or someone else, or they decide what direction our life will take.
How do I know what is right at any given point? How can I be sure that the dicision I've made is the right one?
The headline for this text is Let peace be the umpire! I have found out that God's peace is the only sure and reliable guide or answer to all my questions, to all my decisionmaking and to all my uncertainties.
My line of approach is this: Let's say I have to make a decision about whether or not to go on vacation. I consider my finances and my timetable, and find out that I have the money and the time to go. But should I go? I certainly want to go (I always want to travel, so that's not a deciding factor), but should I? Is it right to spend the money and time on vacation now? Is is in God's plan for me to travel now?
I pray about it, and ask God to show me His will in the matter. I ask for His peace for the right decision.
If I feel God's peace for what I should do, fine; then it's up to me to follow that peace or not. If, however, I don't feel God's peace, and am uncertain as to what to do, I usually make a decision based on what I know and how I feel about the situation. Let's say I decide to go on a two week vacation to Spain. I make the decision, make plans, maybe look for options concerning transportation and lodging, while I search for the peace I know follows the right decision. If the peace comes, I go ahead with the plans, if not, I know that it wasn't God's will for me to go on this trip at this time.
Why is God's peace a reliable umpire? Because "... the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Rom.14:7), "... for God is not [a God] of confusion, but of peace(1 Cor.14:33), "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. (Phil.l4:7) and "The things which ye both learned and received and heard and saw in me, these things do: and the God of peace shall be with you. (Phil.4:9) (My emphasis).
In all these Scriptures, we see that the peace of God is a deciding factor. If peace is present, the Kingdom of God is present and confusion is gone. I don't need to understand why, how and when if I have God's peace; I can rest!
Do you have to make a difficult decision today? Let peace be the umpire!

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