Yesterday's text was titled Let peace be the umpire! The focus was on God's peace. Today I want to focus on the small word LET. There are many Scriptures in the Bible where we find the word let. Let is a verb, and a verb needs a subject; someone to do the "letting".
Who is the subject in the following Scripture? "And let the peace of Christ be ruling in your hearts, as it was the purpose of God for you to be one body ..." (Col.3:15)? The subject is YOU, you let the peace of Christ be ruling in your heart.
I believe a lot of Christians miss out on many of the things God has promised us in the Bible because we think that it comes naturally, without an effort on our part. Unfortunately, that's not the case. To be saved, it takes an active accpetance of Christ on our part; to be forgiven, it takes an active asking of forgiveness; to be filled with The Holy Spirit, it takes our active involvement; and to receive God's peace, we need to let peace rule. We need to let peace in. It's like opening the door when someone knocks. You hear the knocking or the doorbell, you go to the door, open it and let that person into your house. God has made His Word so easy to do that not the simplest person can go wrong. You actually need a lot of help to miss out on God's best, and the "helper" in this case, is Satan. He tells us that it's so difficult to receive from God, it's almost impossible to do so.
But we know that when God says: Let peace rule, He has made a way for us to do so. And God's way is to say "yes", and open up our hearts for that peace.
However, to let something in, we must let something out, and if we harbor bitterness and hostility in our hearts, we must be willing to let that go first. Peace and bitterness cannot "camp in the same tent", so to speak. If we're willing to let go of our bitterness, we can then receive God's peace. As it says in Romans 14:19, "So then, let us go after the things which make peace, and the things by which we may be a help to one another". (My emphasis).
My prayer for you today is that you go after God's peace, and let it into your heart. Let peace rule! Let peace be the umpire!
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