søndag 17. oktober 2010

Without Me (Jesus) you can do nothing!

All human beings have an urge and a will to achieve things in life. "What's my life about?", "What's the purpose of my life?", "Will my life account for anyting?" are questions we have asked at one time or another. And we believe that we can and should do everything in our power to fulfill our destiny to be happy and fulfilled in life.
However, Jesus showed me that without Him I can do nothing, as it says in John 15:5; "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing". (My emphasis).
The way He showed it to me was thus: I was sitting in a service in my church, and the speech was about the Holy Spirit and His work in our life. At the end of the service, during the benediction, I "saw" a story unfold before my inner eyes.
I saw a tanned and muscular young man standing in front of a lot of bricks, ready to begin building his new home. He started out by laying one brick upon the other, and it looked all right. He was very satisfied with his own work. When it was time to end for the day, however, and he turned his back towards his foundation wall, the whole wall collapsed, just like that!
The next day when he came back, he found the wall was gone, but he started again and laid brick upon brick until night, and then he went home. But no sooner than he had turned his back on his work, the whole thing collapsed. This also happened the third time. When he came back the fourth morning, he understood that there was something very wrong, and he fell to his knees, lifted his arms to heaven and said: "Lord, I thought I could do this on my own, but I can't. Please, Jesus, help me build this wall the way You want me to build it. I give it to you. Amen."
Then he started to build again, however, this time he didn't really put much effort into it, he just "cuddled" the bricks, looked at them, and walked among them while the foundation wall seemed to build itself.
The next picture I saw was the young man sitting in his new home with his family, enjoying the house and the peace and love of Jesus Christ.
This "film" that the Lord showed me, made a huge impression on me. I understood that no matter how much strength I put into "God's work", it won't be successful until I surrender both myself and my work to Him. Only then will I succeed in life, both as a human being among other human beings, and as a Christian.
I hope this will help you who read this to see that it's not my own effort that accomplishes things, but it's God's blessing when I surrender my life and work to Him that is important.
God bless you today to put your life in His hands.

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