lørdag 16. oktober 2010

Spirit of adoption, not the spirit of bondage to fear

"For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father" (Romans 8:15).
I am 100 % sure that every human being on this earth wants to live the good life. And we go to extreme lengths to achieve happiness and joy for ourselves and our families. How do we do that? By working long hours to earn enough money to buy nice things, to crave for better houses and cars and improve our standard of living to the best of our ability. And none of that is bad, actually, it's good to go after a better life.
However, all our striving and working takes us just so far, and with it comes the aches and pains of a stressful life.
To really experience the good life, the good life that Jesus talked about, we need to get a new mindset, so to speak. We need to be adopted into a new family with new values and ideas. God is a Father who wants to adopt us into His family. In His family are people of all walks of life, all skin colors and all different backgrounds.
This contribution is all about changing your family background. In the natural, Satan is our father, and he operates in fear. Fear of not being good enough, fear of not being accepted by people, fear of losing your job, losing your spouse and so on and so on. To get out of that state of fear and striving in our own strength, we need to change fathers, so to speak. God is THE only good Father. And He is more than willing and eager to accept you into His family.
Have you made God your Father? If not, I urge you today to give God a chance in your life. Give Him your life, come to Him in Jesus' name, and be translated from a life of the spirit of bondage to fear and come over to the life of the Spirit of adoption, where you can experience the only good life - life with God.

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