I know that many people believe in Jesus - maybe not as their personal Savior, but as a historical person who lived on this earth 2 000 years ago and was a prophet. Even believers in other religions accept the fact that Jesus really lived.
But who is He to YOU?
Let's say you have given your life to Jesusy, you're saved, as we like to call it. And you're asked: What is Jesus to you? What's your answer?
Jesus is a good friend; He's my security of a life in heaven when I die; He's God's Son.
All these answers are good and I hope He's all that to you. However, I want to ask another question:
Is Jesus the Lord of your life and not only the Savior of your soul?
Let me explain. As Savior of your soul, Jesus is your surety for your eternal life in heaven. However, for your life to be lived to the full here on earth, you need Him to be Lord of your life HERE AND NOW.
"How can Jesus help me live the good life here and now", you may ask. Because He is the way, the truth and the life. (See John 14:6). He is the way I have to walk in this life, in addition to being the way to God; He is the only truth there is; (there are lots of facts, but Jesus is the only truth); and He is the life. Not any life, but the life, the good life, the only satisfying life.
He is, however, not only the way, the truth and the life, He is also The Word. (See 1 John 1:1-3; John 1:1).
What does Jesus' being the Lord of your life have to do with the way, the truth, the life and the word? Everything. If you want to walk the best way, to know the only truth and to live the good life, you have to know the only Word, which is Jesus. You not only have to know about the Word, you have to have intimate knowledge of Jesus, you need Him to be Lord over your life.
How do you do that? Ask Him into your life to begin with, and we'll take it from there in future contributions here on my blog.
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