fredag 12. august 2011

Salvation is more than just "salvation"

You have probably heard and used the expression "I am saved" or "he or she is saved", meaning that the person has received Jesus Christ as his or her personal Savior and is going to heaven when they die.
And that is absolutely one of the meanings of the word "salvation". But do you know that "salvation" is much more than that?
My English Bible, Spirit filled life Bible for students, has lots of explanations and statements about many topics, which give a clearer picture of the true and whole meaning of words and phrases in the Bible. Today I read Luke 7:50 whereJesus says about the woman who came and anointed Him with a very costly fragrant oil, washed His feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair: "Your faith has saved you. Go in peace."
The word "saved" (or salvation) is explained thus: Saved, sozo (greek): Jesus told a woman that her faith had saved her. Sozo means "to save", "to heal", "to cure", "to preserve", "to keep safe and sound," "to rescue from danger or destruction", "to deliver". Sozo saves from physical death by healing and from spiritual death by forgiving sin and its effects.
Jesus came to seek and save the lost, and if we receive His offer, we're "saved". The average believer, however, has not understood the vast significance of Jesus' work for us - His salvation. When I am "saved", that means I am going to heaven when I die, but it also means that I am healed, cured, preserved, kept safe and sound, rescued from danger or destruction and delivered here and now, in this life!
That's good news for someone who is sick, who struggles with different issues in life, who is afraid or in danger. Jesus' salvation is sufficient for all of life's problems, His salvation covers all of life's situations.
Just as you accepted Jesus as your Savior from your sins, accept Him as your deliverer from all other issues you are struggling with.
His salvation is more than enough for this life and the next!

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