Today's contribution is of the more philosophical sort, something I have been thinking about for a long time.
From time to time we see and hear Christian and Muslim leaders argue that they have the same god - the god of Abraham. Since we all originate from Abraham (through either Ishmael or Isaac), they argue that Abraham's God is everybody's god.
However, some time ago God showed me something that settled that question once and for all for me. He showed me that it is not the physical genealogical table that's important, but the spiritual one. Let me explainn.
God promised Abraham a son by Sarah. They were both old, and Sarah had never born children. When the promise did not manifest as quickly as they would like, Sarah suggested to Abraham that he should have a child by her servant, Hagar. Thus Ishmael was born.
Ishmael was born out of disobedience to God. It was a mere physical and natural thing that happened. God had said that Abraham should have a son by Sarah, but they disobeyed God. Thus Ishmael was born out of disobedience. His physical father was Abraham, but the father of disobedience, Satan, was his spiritual father.
Isaac, on the other hand, was born out of obedience to God. Abraham was his physical father, but God was his spiritual father. He was born out of faith and obedience.
Thus it follows that all who follow after Ishmael (the Muslims), are children of Allah (the Muslims' name for their god) and all who follow after Isaac (the Christians), are children of God.
God or Allah - are they the same? No, by no means. Don't be fooled, but know who your God is.
"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?" (2 Cor. 6:14-15).
We should pray for the Muslims to be saved and come into fellowship with God, the Father of Jesus Christ, but we should never subordinate ourselves to their god. That's idol-worship. Worship the ONE TRUE GOD - our heavenly Father.
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