fredag 27. desember 2013

What do you do when you don't know what to do?

Have you ever been in a situation when you're surrounded by difficulties and problems on all sides, and you don't know where to go, what to do, or where to turn?
I have. Many times. I have been so depressed by circumstances and people that I found it hard to go on living. But I did. What kept me going, and what can keep you going in the middle of seemingly unbearable circumstances?
There's only one answer to that question, and the answer is GOD. God kept me going, God kept me from ending my life, and God keeps me going every day. 
When I'm in the midst of a difficult situation, I can hear Him say, "Don't give up. I am with you. I love you. I gave my Son to die for you, and He lives to interceed for you - always" (Hebrews 7:25).
That gives me comfort. That makes me go on and not give up. HE is my strength. HE is my conforter. HE is the answer to every question. Without Him I am lost. With Him I am a winner, I don't give up and I don't cave in and quit. 
Today I will live with Him and He lives in me and strengthens me. Hallelujah!

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