onsdag 19. september 2012

The Word of God is powerful

For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12).

It says in the above verse that the Word of God is powerful. What does that mean? Let's look at it in more detail. Powerful here is the Greek word energes. We recognize the modern words "energy" and "energetic", which come from energes. If something is full of energy or someone is energetic, we immediately think of action. Something is being done or someone is doing something.
The Word of God is like that - it does something, all the time and every time.
When God created the heaven and the earth, He used words. God said, and things happened. Has God changed? No, He is the same yesterday, today and forever (see Hebrews 13:8). If His Word was active and achieved what He willed then, His Word is still active and achieves what He wills today. Does God walk around on the earth saying things today? No. Today you and I are the ones God has sent to proclaim His Word. His Word in our mouths has the same power today as His Word in His mouth had then. Amazing? Absolutely!
The question that comes to mind, is of course: If God's Word is as powerful, i.e. so full of energy and active as if God Himself spoke, why don't we see more of God's acts around us?
Good question.
I believe the reason is that we don't believe that God's Word works. We don't have faith in His Word.
You see, for God's Word to work and achieve what it is sent to achieve, it needs to be backed by faith. It's not enough to recite "by His stripes I am healed", and then leave it at that. You need to believe that by Jesus' stripes you were really healed. You need to say it with force, not necessarily with a loud voice, but with a firm conviction.
Faith comes by hearing (see Romans 10:17), and the more you say God's Word, the more you hear it and the more you believe it.
To encourage you to exercise you faith muscle and say God's Word on a daily and continuous basis, remember that
Now that is Good News! That is powerful news!

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