lørdag 26. mai 2012

Bigger than myself

Have you ever faced a situation that was so big, so difficult or so beyond all you can think that you just wanted to give up? I have, and it's not a pleasant place to be. You have prayed, fasted, cried, may be yelled, and nothing seems to work. Nothing seems to happen. Everything seems to be deadlocked, unmovable and stale.
But don't dispair; don't lose hope. What it seems like it not what it is.

Remember Daniel in the Old Testament? He prayed for twenty-one days, and nothing seemed to happen. However, in the spiritual realm, lots of things were happening, he just didn't see it with his natural eyes. And after twenty-one days he received answer to his prayer. You can read about it in the book of Daniel, chapter 10.

Often when we pray, we try to figure out how God shall answer our prayers; we use our human minds with our human capacities and we think about how things have been solved before. STOP! Don't make plans for God. He is SO much bigger than your and my human minds, experiences and ideas. He is the Creater, the Upholder and the Inventor of the whole universe. My and your problems are not difficult for Him, but there's an enemy that's trying to hinder God's answers.

However, like Daniel, we must not give up; we must see with our spiritual minds and eyes beyond our human reasonings and experiences, and let God be God, and He will give the answer and the solution in His time and in His way. And it will all be good.

"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:14). I PRESS ON. I don't quit. I don't give up, but I press on till I receive my answer.

God bless you today to press on toward your answer.

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