In yesterday's blog I wrote about the difference between faith (the unseen, the spiritual or supernatural) and sight (the seen, the natural). I want to go a little further today and expand the theme.
In Mark 11:23, Jesus is saying to His disciples: "Whoever says to this mountain, Be taken up and be put into the sea; and has no doubt in his heart, but has faith that what he says will come about, he will have his desire".
Where does Jesus say "whoever" should have his or her faith? In their heart! Jesus did not say "... and has no doubt in his head ...".
We often miss the mark because we tend to listen more to our head than we listen to our heart. My head is the seat of my thoughts, feelings, and my will. But these are bad road signs to follow if I want to go deeper into the things of the Spirit.
My heart, or my spirit, is the seat of God. When God speaks to me either through His Spirit or through His Word, he speaks to my heart. I guess I have to point out that "heart" in the Bible is not the same as "bloodpump", which is the muscle we have on the left side of our chest. My "heart" in the Biblical sense, is my spirit, it's the core of my being, it's what is being born again when I accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.
Kenneth E. Hagin has said that you can have faith in your heart with unbelief in your head. The important thing is to follow your heart!
So when Jesus told His disciples not do doubt in their heart, He meant that they should not rely on their natural senses; their thoughts and their feelings. He asked them to rely solely on what God had given them in their heart to believe. If they were to do that, they would be able to move mountains!
Wow! Isn't that something? Isn't it amazing that Jesus said that to them? But the even more amazing thing is that Jesus says the exact same thing to US, to YOU AND ME today. He says that if you and I will lay aside our natural senses, our own thoughts and feelings, and rely on His Word and what He has told us, WE CAN ALSO MOVE MOUNTAINS!
Is there a mountain in your life today? Something you really desire to get rid of? Find what the Bible has to say about it, believe that with your heart, talk to your mountain with faithfilled words, and see the mountain disappear!
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