tirsdag 3. mai 2011

Are you faithful?

Faithfulness - it's not the most widespread human quality we see today. However, faithfulness is one of the most important qualities that should mark a Christian. A believer in Jesus Christ should be faithful both to God and to his or her fellow human beings.
What does it mean to be faithful? According to Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, faithful means able to be trusted; conscientious, true to the facts; accurate; never had a sexual relationship with anyone else (than one's spouse). The sad fact is that there's probably no-one who can say that they are now and have always been 100 % faithful according to these definitions. The good fact, however, is that from this day forward I can choose to be faithful! Faithfulness is a choice, and you and I can choose to be faithful!
Why is it important to be faithful? Because God needs to be able to trust you and me to fulfil the tasks He has given us to do. He needs ME to be faithful to my calling, and He needs YOU to be faithful to your calling. And today I choose to stay faithful to God.

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