torsdag 31. mars 2011

Are you a fool?

"The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God'" (Psalm 14:1)
According to this verse, the person who says that there is no God, is a fool.
So far, so good. As Christians we don't reject God's existence. I have never heard a born-again believer in God say that there is no God. We believe in God, we believe in His existence and in His power and might. And we don't want to be called fools.
However - and this might come as a surprise to you - there are many Christians whose lives testify that there is no God!
"What do you mean?" you might say.
If you read the rest of Psalm 14 and also Psalm 15, you see what I mean. And it can be summed up thus: What I say with my mouth is one thing, what I do in actions and deeds might be something totally different. Here are some thoughts for consideration:
  • How do I treat my family?
  • Are my everyday actions a testimony to God or to myself (am I selfish)?
  • Do I sow good seed?
  • Do I sow love and kind words or do I sow discord, hatred and strife?
  • Am I a blesser or a curser through my words and actions?
  • When people meet me, do they see and feel Jesus in me?
  • Do I love my neighbor more than I love myself?
I know this is tough, but I also know that if we want to live victorious lives that bear witness to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we need to consider, not only what we believe, but how we live. The life people see in me, is what I really am. It's not enough to say: "I believe in Jesus, Halleluja, Amen!" and then turn around and gossip about my pastor or my friend. Jesus said in Matthew 5:16: "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
Your and my good deeds is the witness the world sees. They don't see what I believe, they see how I live!
So today, if you want to live a life that is a witness for Jesus, pray this prayer with me:
Dear heavenly Father. Thank you that you have given me your Son, Jesus Christ as my Savior. Thank you that you have given me the Holy Spirit to guide me through this day. I don't know exactly how I ought to lead my life today, but You know, Father. And I ask you to show me, step by step, how I can be the example of your love, kindness and mercy that the world needs today. Let them see Jesus in me, Father. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me today, and I put my life in your hands today, Father. Thank you for helping and guiding me today. In Jesus' name, amen.
If you prayed that prayer from a sincere heart, expect God to guide you today. Be open and expectant for possibilities to show His goodnes, love and mercy to people around you. Maybe someone needs a smile today? You can give them that smile. Maybe someone needs a helping hand to cross the street today? You can be that helping hand today. Let someone see Jesus in you today!
Don't be a fool, but be a real Christian.

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